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Yes its sinking in.. Rank 40, CSE 2015.The UPSC circle- the close and the beginning.

Bagh-e-Bahisht Se Mujhe Hukam-e-Safar Diya Tha Kyun Kaar-e-Jahan Daraz Hai, Ab Mera Intezar Kar                      - Mohammad...

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The coffee bench

 आज शाम फिर,

पत्तों की सरसराहट और पंछियों की गुनगुन सुनती

एक बेंच

मेहसूस किया करती है

एक प्याली गर्म कॉफी सा सूरज।


  1. This bench reminds the old Moment of class while sitting on last bench for gossips, reminds the beautiful times when couple wait for each other to met,and also reminds the time when child will love to hide under the bench while playing hide n seek.
    It was the favourite spot of every one.

  2. This bench reminds the old Moment of class while sitting on last bench for gossips, reminds the beautiful times when couple wait for each other to met,and also reminds the time when child will love to hide under the bench while playing hide n seek.
    It was the favourite spot of every one.

  3. This bench reminds the old Moment of class while sitting on last bench for gossips, reminds the beautiful times when couple wait for each other to met,and also reminds the time when child will love to hide under the bench while playing hide n seek.
    It was the favourite spot of every one.

  4. Sorry due to some network issue the comment will be posted three times

  5. बहुत खूब ....पर
    ...अब तो चुप-चाप शाम आती है
    पहले चिड़ियों के शोर होते थे !!

  6. https://www.facebook.com/groups/600700076703905/permalink/3431244440316107/
