I still remember that day when I saw that wave of anger in your eyes and those tears of helplessness; but You did not let out either. I knew I was in pieces. But You gathered those smithereens of me and put them again to make me what I was, the identity You had given me.
When I told You I had loved and loved pure; You said if love is pure, I should let it be for all.
I told You that love was not my destination, and that I had dreams.. and big dreams; You said You'd want to live to see them true.
I told You that if someone left me today, its not because that someone was a bad person; just that his part was over in my story. And You said that You were proud of me.
I wanted to cry in your arms Dad. And I did. And I shall never forget that embrace, that touch Dad. It made me feel pure.
And pure I shall always be.
I love you Dad.
And a very Happy Birthday to You.
I promise one day You shall see my dreams come true.....
I cried a tear, You wiped it dry.
I was confused, You cleared my mind.
I sold my soul. You bought it back for me.
You held me up. You gave me dignity
Somehow you needed me...
You gave me strength to stand alone again.
To face the world out on my own again.
You put me high upon a pedestal.
So high that I could almost see eternity...
You needed me..
You held my hand when it was cold.
When I was lost you took me home.
You gave me love when I was at the end.
And turned my life back into truth again...
You even called me 'friend'...
I can't believe its You again, and its true...
I need You.
And you again...
I'd be a fool.
(As I type, these lines from one of my favourite songs resonate in my mind.)
I love you dad.